The Selling Point

10 Pet Industry Blogs Every Pet Professional Should Subscribe To

The pet industry doesn't get enough credit for being innovative and coming up with creative business tactics. Yet, with the changes happening in recent years regarding the humanization of pets, the rise of millennials' purchasing power, and an overall demand for a change of how things "were always done this way," our industry seems to be going through a transformation like it's never experienced before.

Not only is there a lot of change for those who have grown up and worked in the industry for decades, but it's also difficult for those just entering the workforce to grasp everything from pet food science to the psychology behind the human-animal bond and everything in between.

To keep up with the top pet industry trends, learn previous tactics, and lead the change moving forward, it's important to keep up with what's going on in all aspects of the industry. A great way to do this is to subscribe to pet industry blogs and read whenever possible to ensure your business doesn't fall behind.

Here's some of our favorite blogs and trade magazines aimed at pet business owners and employees that we're subscribed to.

1. Pet Business Magazine


Pet Business Magazine is one of our favorite trade publications for all things business related.

According to their website, they are "the only publication devoted to helping pet retailers improve their profits [...] [delivering] significant editorial content and substantial advertising that gives pet retailers essential information to help them increase their current and future financial success."

Pet Business publishes content on the latest industry news, new pet products, business and marketing (including trends, marketing, tech, management, and more) and is filterable based on pets and pet products.

The content is available in both print and digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

2. Pet Age Magazine


Pet Age is another favorite go-to trade magazine for inspiration and to keep up with industry news in general.

Their mission is to "serve the pet specialty market by delivering timely and practical news and information about the products, trends and events that impact retailers, groomers, manufacturers and other related businesses."

Pet Age publishes content on the latest industry news, pet product recalls, pet products, and is filterable by pet type. They also offer four different pet industry awards including Distributor of the Year, Forty Under 40, Icon Awards, and Women of Influence and put on videos and webinars to help pet businesses be successful.

The content is available in both print and digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

3. Pets+ Magazine


Pets+ Magazine is a fairly new addition to the trade magazines of our industry. They offer a fun, bright and friendly tone to the type of education they provide pet businesses.

Pets+ publishes content on pet industry news and video reports, showcases of top notch pet businesses across America, pet business owner tips & tricks, information on pet products, and even some fun "news" to add a little bit of entertainment to the mix.

They do a really great job at mixing fun with education and giving pet businesses the tools they need to be successful.

The content is available in both print and digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

4. Pet Product News


Pet Product News is a great source of content for all things pet products and more.

PPN publishes content on the latest pet industry news (breaking it down by people, companies, business & management, food & nutrition, and pet health & welfare), business trends and tactics, and a primary focus on products including a buyer's guide for retailers. They also publish editorial features and industry profiles.

This is a great source for all things products-related and incorporating them into a successful business strategy, particularly for retailers.

The content is available in both print and digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

5. Pet Food Industry


Pet food can become so complicated that it needs an entirely separate trade magazine to cover all things edible - and that's what Pet Food Industry is here for.

Pet Food Industry is the primary source for all things pet food including market trends and data, industry news, company profiles, nutritional guides and information, safety & quality information, production & packaging information, and some editorial blogs to get you thinking beyond the science of pet food.

Because of all the changes in pet food in recent years, PFI is a great resource to stay on top of everything and remain as educated as you can be on the challenging topic.

The content is available in both print and digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

6. BlogPaws


Anyone who's dabbled in social media knows that it can become a whole beast on its own. Posting the right thing at just the right time can be the difference between 50 likes and just two.

BlogPaws is a social media company that focuses on helping pet people use social media effectively and responsibly. According to their site, "Following our first amazing conference in 2010, we launched an online community site for pet bloggers, pet enthusiasts, pet people on Twitter and Facebook and brands eager to tap into a vibrant, vocal community of serious writers, bloggers, tweeters."

If you're looking to get content inspiration for blogs or social media or just brush up on your skills, BlogPaws is a great place to do that for pet professionals of all types.

The content is available in digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

7. Off Leash Communications Blog


If your pet business needs a dash of marketing expertise and branding guidance, Off Leash Communications is one pet industry marketing company with some great resources.

The pet-focused marketing company offers assistance with branding, marketing strategy, implementation, and even pet photography. Their blog features information that will help you run a better business such as this guide on how to improve influencer relations.

Their blog offers a plethora of resources for pet companies to stay on top of their marketing and branding game.

The content is available in digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

8. WPA Newsfeed


The World Pet Association, for those who may not know, is the company behind SuperZoo - the annual pet trade show that occurs in Las Vegas every summer.

Although not necessarily a blog, the WPA Newsfeed acts as a curation tool for many of the pet industry's top articles and publications. They curate top pet industry related content to feature on their newsfeed and in their weekly newsletter.

Additionally, their buyer's guide features companies that sell specific categories of pet products to help buyers and pet store owners along their journey of finding new vendors.

If you're looking to subscribe to a one-stop shop for all your pet industry news, the WPA Newsfeed is used by many of the top pet professionals and works as a great tool to stay up to date on the latest industry news and trends.

The content is available in digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

9. HABRI: Human-Animal Bond Research Institute


If you've never heard of them, HABRI is "a non-profit research and education organization that is gathering, funding and sharing scientific research to demonstrate the positive health impacts of companion animals."

The work they do is not only fascinating, but also brings another dimension to the pet industry and what we do on a daily basis to improve the human-animal bond. After all, without that crucial bond, why are we selling pet products anyway?

Although not strictly a blog, they offer great insights via their newsletter and press releases on the understanding of the human-animal bond. If you're looking to understand your customer's relationship with their little furry a little bit deeper, then this is a great resource to do so.

The content is available in digital format. Learn more and subscribe here.

10. All Points Marketing Blog


We wouldn't be doing ourself justice if we didn't include our blog on this list, would we? We started writing and maintaining a regular blog in early 2016 and haven't looked back since!

This blog is designed primarily for pet retailer owners, managers, and buyers of companies of all sizes. Our articles range from pet store tips (i.e. merchandising, marketing, employing, training, etc.) for small independent pet stores to buying guides for larger pet retailers.

Additionally, we attempt to dive deeper into the pet industry with topics on the humanization of pets, selling live animals in pet stores, and other topics less focused on retailing as a whole.

Our content is in digital format at the moment, and you can subscribe below!



Have any other pet industry blogs you love? Share them in the comments below!


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