The Selling Point

Learn from the Experts: How to Navigate Global Pet Expo Like a Pet Pro

3,400 booths. 3,000 new pet products. 7,000 other buyers trying to make their way across the show floor.

Pet Business Professor did the math.

If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles[...]
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4 Global Pet Expo Resources and Events You Might Not Know About

We are now just weeks away from one of the biggest pet industry events of the year: Global Pet Expo 2018. By now, you should have bought your plane ticket, reserved your hotel room, and have a decent idea of your agenda.

Note: If not, here's our[...]

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A Quick Summary of Pet Product Trends for 2018

The world we live in is increasingly mobile, fast-pace, and reliant upon the technology that helps us with both our work and personal lives on a daily basis. As things get faster and demand for changes in the interactivity and sustainability of pet[...]

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How to Get the Most Out of a Pet Trade Show

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on June 10, 2016 but has been updated February 28, 2018 for accuracy.

How can you tell when it's trade show season? The biggest hints are usually when social media hashtags are blowing up, trade[...]

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Keeping Independent Pet Stores Alive During Rise of E-Commerce

Amazon is taking over the world.

At least that's what they keep telling us. In fact, during this year's Pet Industry Leadership Conference, Amazon representatives revealed news we already knew was coming: they're coming for the pet industry, and[...]

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How to Host a Successful Pet Event

You know you're supposed to hold events. It will bring more traffic to your store. It will help you stand out from your competition. Why wouldn't you?

The likelihood is that you either have no idea where to get started or no time to sit down and[...]

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How Pet Businesses Can Fight Pet Obesity

The beginning of the year is the time for weight loss goals, new gym memberships, and the popularity of fad diets geared toward "shedding off the pounds." We set goals at the beginning of the year and aim for a healthier, better version of ourselves[...]

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Depressed? The Pet Effect Recommends Cat

Feeling stressed lately? Get a cat.

Benefits of cat ownership include reduced risk of heart attack, relieved depression, accelerated heart attack recovery, lowered blood pressure, lessened risk of allergies and eczema in children, reduced stress[...]

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram to Drive Pet Owners to Your Store

You walk into a coffee shop, order your go-to coffee, give them your name, and step to the side. As you wait, you pull out your phone and open an app. Which app do you tap?

If you're like millions of Americans, you likely open Instagram, scroll down[...]

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Pet Products That Encourage the Human-Animal Bond

Every morning, my alarm goes off at 5:55 am. And 6:00 am. And 6:05 am. Each alarm has a specific purpose - purposes that my cat has learned for himself as well.

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