The Selling Point

How to Tell Which Dental Chews Are Best for Dogs

There's no doubt that dog treats with benefits are growing in the pet care market. As customers are treating their furry friends more like family, they are buying products that benefit their health in various ways as well. One of these ways is in[...]

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5 Pet Products to Consider for Fall

Oh Fall - the season that seems to pass by so quickly that we nearly miss it while we spend so much time preparing for the upcoming holidays. As we pass around holiday promotions, it's all too easy to forget about the lovely weather, colored leaves,[...]

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3 Ways the Pet Industry is Becoming More Humane

The humanization of pets is a trend that many publications love to write about. In fact, we have written several articles on it already. While it may seem like overkill, there's a reason why the humanization of pets is so important: It's affecting[...]

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The Benefits of Pumpkin in Dog Food and Treats

Now that summer is coming to an end, there's one thing that's on all of our minds: Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Well, maybe not everyone is thinking about this popular drink, but we certainly are. Or, more specifically the supposed "main ingredient" that[...]

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The Benefits of Having Limited Ingredients in Pet Food

As the pet humanization trend grows stronger and stronger, consumers are always on the look out for cat and dog food that meets their ever-changing needs. In the U.S. today, 95% of pet owners consider their pets to be a part of the family. With pet[...]

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The Difference between Professional and Backyard Breeders

A large part of the controversy surrounding the bans on pet stores selling live animals is the misconception that every breeder is irresponsibly mistreating the animals that go into the stores. While there are no doubt a number of bad breeders (or[...]

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How to Compete Against E-Commerce as an Independent Pet Store

Competing with the e-commerce world is a battle that every independent pet retailer must face. With e-commerce sales now accounting for 8.1% of total retail sales, it's a potential threat that is constantly growing year over year. In fact, online[...]

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URGENT: Help Petco Stop the Ban on the Sale of Animals

Cambridge, MA City Council members are in the middle of deciding whether to pass an amendment to Title 6, which will work to continue to ban on the sale of animals. Since late June, PIJAC has been working to push industry professionals and the[...]

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Does Buying Pet Store Puppies Support Overcrowding in Shelters?

According to, one of the biggest misconceptions of the pet store puppy controversy is that there is an overpopulation problem within animal shelters in the United States. Many believe this is caused by consumers purchasing dogs from[...]

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Engaging Shoppers with the Small Animal Category

One struggle that many pet supply stores often find themselves having is correctly engaging shoppers with the small animal category. With small animal being a seemingly insignificant part of the overall pet industry, it becomes almost too easy for[...]

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